Archie Fisher singing the Cuillins of Home. He was born in Glasgow on 23rd October 1939 into a large singing family. Two of his six sisters Ray and Cilla Fisher, are also professional singers.
Soon shall I see thy bright shores in the sunlight
The heather of hill and the rising of morn
The rolling grey seamist rolls east in the morning
To run the wild hills of the cuillins of rhum
Far away seaward thy green hills are lovelit
Where runs the hill water afoam to the sea
Like tangle at noontime, like snow wreath in moonlight
As though who art yearning will yearn it to be
Far away seaward my queenland my youthland
Far away seaward the cuillins of home
And here in my dreamtime I’m hearing hill water
The laughter of streams by the cuillins of rhum
Soon shall I see thy bright shores in the sunlight
The heather of hill and the rising of morn
The rolling grey seamist rolls east in the morning
To run the wild hills of the cuillins of rhum.
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Old Footage Harbour Crail East Neuk Of Fife Scotland
Tour Scotland short 4K travel video, with Scottish music of fishermen and
fishing boats in the harbour in Crail Easr Neuk Of Fife, Britain, United
12 hours ago
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