Tour Bridge Of Allan Scotland. Bridge Of Allan in 1846. Bridge Of Allan a village, in the parishes of Lecropt and Logie, county of Stirling, 4 miles (N.) from Stirling; containing 561 inhabitants. This village, which is pleasantly situated on the banks of the river Allan, formerly consisted only of a few irregular and detached cottages, and derived its chief importance from an ale and porter brewery that had been established here, towards the close of the last century. From its proximity, however, to the mineral spring of Airthrie, and the well of Dunblane, of which the water, discovered in 1814, has been found to possess similar properties, but of milder operation, the village has rapidly increased in extent and population, and, on the failure of a project for conveying the water of the latter, by pipes, into the town of Dunblane, has, in that respect, attained precedence as a place of fashionable resort. An excellent inn for the accommodation of visiters, and numerous houses for the reception of families residing here during the summer months, have been erected within the last few years, and are fully occupied; and good shops, amply stored with articles of every kind, have been opened for their convenience. The environs abound with pleasing scenery, among which the grounds of Keir House form a conspicuous feature; and are interspersed with handsome villas, inhabited by opulent families. The river, near the village, rushes with impetuosity, through a deep glen richly wooded, forming an interesting and secluded retreat. The spring of Airthrie rises on the high grounds above the village, on the estate of Airthrie, and was discovered several years since, during the working of a coppermine; the water is a saline aperient, similar to that of Cheltenham, but not so strong, containing, as its chief ingredients, common salt, muriate of lime, and sulphate of lime, and has been fast advancing in reputation, especially for scorbutic complaints. The water of Dunblane Well has been analysed by Dr. John Murray, an eminent physician, and found to contain, in one imperial pint, 24 grains of muriate of soda; of muriate of lime, 18 grains; of sulphate of lime, 3.5 grains; of carbonate of lime, .5 grains; and of oxide of iron, .17 grains. The woollen manufacture is carried on to a small extent, for which there is a mill at the hamlet of Keir; and there is also a paper manufactory. The members of the Free Church have a place of worship.
Old Footage Harbour Anstruther East Neuk Of Fife Scotland
Tour Scotland short 4K travel video, with Scottish music of fishing boats
and fishermen in the harbour in Anstruther, East Neuk Of Fife, Britain,
United K...
13 hours ago
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