Rent A Cottage In Scotland
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tour Scotland January Snow
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 9:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tour Perth Scotland January
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 10:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
A Day For The Ducks In Scotland
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 8:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Monday, January 28, 2008
Tour River Braan January Scotland
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 11:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Tour Scotland Waterfalls January
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 7:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Tour Scotland Piping in the Haggis
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 5:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Friday, January 25, 2008
Seasonal Cooking
Dear Sandy, Thank you so much for your wonderful website on Scotland. My partner and I have decided that it was time to start sharing our vast array of snacks, drinks and main meals with the world. The project got out of hand, and cookseasonal was born. A recipe sharing community site, linking ingredients, seasons, growing and good food. The website is in first stage, with the first recipes online. However, it could really use a boost. I hope you would be willing to place a link and help us grow. Thanks so much, Kind Regards, Jelle.
Scottish Cooking.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 11:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland Food
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Robert Burns Sweetly Played In Tune
If you haven't heard Andy M Stewart singing the Robert Burns song, My Love is Like A Red, Red Rose, then take a few minutes to hear it now.
Biography of Robert Burns. Burns Supper. Robert Burns Books. Robert Burns Songs. Free Robert Burns Books. Robert Burns Tours of Scotland.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 6:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Robert Burns Ae Fond Kiss
Burns Night, is celebrated, tomorrow, on 25 January, with Burns suppers around the world. I am a big admirer of the both the poems and songs of Robert Burns, who is still regarded as the national poet of Scotland, and is celebrated worldwide. I also enjoy listening to Eddi Reader, a Scottish singer, who is well known in Scotland for her recordings of the works of Scotland's national poet, Robert Burns. I hope you enjoy hearing Eddi Reader singing Ae Fond Kiss, a touching and beautiful song by Robert Burns.
Ae fond kiss, and then we sever;
Ae fareweel, alas, for ever!
Deep in heart-wrung tears I'll pledge thee,
Warring sighs and groans I'll wage thee.
Who shall say that Fortune grieves him,
While the star of hope she leaves him?
Me, nae cheerful twinkle lights me;
Dark despair around benights me.
I'll ne'er blame my partial fancy,
Naething could resist my Nancy:
But to see her was to love her;
Love but her, and love for ever.
Had we never lov'd sae kindly,
Had we never lov'd sae blindly,
Never met-or never parted,
We had ne'er been broken-hearted.
Fare-thee-weel, thou first and fairest!
Fare-thee-weel, thou best and dearest!
Thine be ilka joy and treasure,
Peace, Enjoyment, Love and Pleasure!
Ae fond kiss, and then we sever!
Ae fareweeli alas, for ever!
Deep in heart-wrung tears I'll pledge thee,
Warring sighs and groans I'll wage thee.
Biography of Robert Burns. Burns Supper. Robert Burns Books. Robert Burns Songs. Free Robert Burns Books. Robert Burns Tours of Scotland.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 4:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Come By The Hills of Scotland
Hi Sandy, Do you have the lyrics for Come by the Hills ? Thank you. Norma Thomson.
Come By The Hills.
Come by the hills to a land where fancy is free
And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the lochs reach the sea
Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun
And the cares of tomorrow must wait 'til this day is done.
Come by the hills to the land where life is a song
And sing while the birds fill the air with their joy all day long
Where the trees sway in time and even the wind sings in tune
And the cares of tomorrow can wait 'til this day is done.
Come by the hills to a land where legend remains
Where stories of old stir the heart and may yet come again
Where our past has been lost and the future has still to be won
And the cares of tomorrow must wait 'til this day is done.
Repeat first verse.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 7:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Robert Burns Selkirk Grace
Hi Sandy, Can you please let me know if there is a formal ending said after the Selkirk Grace, e.g. Amen, at a Burns Night Supper. I’m due to say Grace and not sure how to finish. Any ideas most welcome. Cheers, Mike.
The Selkirk Grace
Some hae meat and canna eat,
And some wad eat that want it;
But we hae meat, and we can eat,
Sae let the Lord be thankit.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 7:33 PM 1 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Tour Scotland Haggis Hunting
A strange and eerie sound drifts slowly down the Highland Glen. The sun is peeping over the horizon but none can feel the warm rays through the swirling mist. The kilted Scotsmen are huddled by a rock, chanting and taking turns at the cask with the warm golden water of life.
Suddenly, a tracker appears on the heathery slope and calls "haggis! haggis!" In a flash, the men are up and running, spreading out in the ancient hunting pattern which each had learned as a boy. Catching a wild haggis, in these days of scarcity, would make a living legend of the Clan involved.
The most difficult part of the ancient art of haggis hunting is actually locating the beast and then chasing it in the right direction. The haggis has evolved to be just a bit faster than the fittest man and more sure footed than a mountain goat. It runs along the hillside using it’s two long legs and two short legs to maximum advantage. Once it slips through the hunting line it can be gone into the gorse in a flash. The hunters must keep behind and on the uphill side so that the haggis is gradually driven down to lower ground. This can take over three hours, but once the wild beast is down on the glen floor the advantage swings quickly in favor of the hunters, because of its uneven legs the haggis can only run in circles when on flat ground.
As soon as the hunters see a haggis circling in this fashion they surround it, and bring up the whisky cask for celebratory refreshment. Within about twenty minutes the haggis can be found lying flat out through dizziness and exhaustion. Soon after that the men are usually found lying flat out around the haggis, with an empty cask rolling amongst them.
I have heard it said that Haggis is actually a traditional Scottish dish made from the heart, liver, and lungs of a sheep, mixed with oatmeal, suet, and seasonings, and boiled in the stomach of the animal. This is simply not true.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 7:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland Humor
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Tour Dunkeld Scotland 2008
Tour Dunkeld Scotland 2008. A description of Dunkeld in 1846. This place, which is of very remote origin, and is supposed to have been the capital of the ancient Caledonia, appears to have derived its name from the erection of a castle or stronghold, towards the close of the 5th century, on an eminence commanding the passes of the vale of Atholl, and still called the King's seat, from its having been the resort of some of the earlier monarchs for partaking the diversion of the chase. There are yet remains of this ancient fortress; and near the site, Mary, Queen of Scots, narrowly escaped a serious injury from one of the herd, while witnessing a chase for the celebration of which the Earl of Atholl had employed 2000 of his Highlanders to collect the deer of the central Highlands. A monastery was founded here about the year 570 for brethren of the order of St. Columba, subordinate to the abbey of Iona, over which that saint at the time presided; and Columba remained for some months at this place, for the instruction of the people of the surrounding district, who assembled in great numbers to hear him. The establishment was placed under the superintendence of an abbot, many of whose successors held the most distinguished offices in the state; and the brethren, who are identified with the ancient Culdees, employed themselves chiefly in teaching and transcribing the sacred Scriptures, but had no communion with the Church of Rome. The monastery, originally of rude construction, was rebuilt with stone about the year 729, and continued to advance in importance; numerous dwellings gradually arose in the immediate vicinity, and in 834 the town had so much increased in extent that Brudus, king of the Picts, with a numerous army, after crossing the Tay, found sufficient accommodation in the town and castle preparatory to his battle with Alpinus, king of the Scots, at Angus.
In 845, the Danes, on their march to plunder the monastery, were encountered near Dunkeld by Kenneth Mc Alpine, who defeated them with considerable loss; but, in 905, again advancing for the same purpose, they succeeded in plundering the monastery and laying waste the town. In the reign of Kenneth III., a numerous army of Danes, in a third attempt to commit the same depredations, were intercepted on their march by that monarch, who, in a severe conflict near Luncarty, defeated them with great slaughter. The buildings connected with the monastery still increased, and the relics of St. Columba were removed from Iona, and deposited in a church erected here, and dedicated to his memory by Kenneth Mc Alpine after he had united the Scots and Picts into one kingdom. The Culdees continued their establishment under a superior of their own nomination, and had, in the parish of Dowally and other places in the district, various smaller institutions, till they were superseded by canons regular in the reign of David I., who, in 1127, converted the monastery into a cathedral establishment, and made Dunkeld the seat of a diocese, which retained the primacy of the kingdom until the distinction was transferred to the see of St. Andrew's in the reign of James III. The prelates of Dunkeld were much exposed to the aggressions of the heads of the Highland clans in the vicinity of the diocese, with whom a constant state of warfare was maintained. The revenues of the see were frequently intercepted by armed bands who waylaid the bishops' officers, and carried them off by violence; and such of the lands belonging to the bishops as were contiguous to the estates of the Highland chiefs were either seized and appropriated to their own use, or plundered and laid waste. The bishops were assaulted even while officiating in the cathedral; and those who ventured to resist, or bring to punishment, the leaders by whom these outrages were perpetrated, were beset by parties against whose hostile attacks they were compelled to defend themselves by a numerous retinue of armed attendants.
In the reign of James II., the Earl of Atholl, nephew of that monarch, assembled the canons of the abbey, and requested them to appoint his brother, Andrew Stuart, though not in full orders, successor to the see, which had become vacant by the death of Bishop Brown. With this request they thought proper, through intimidation, to comply; but the election was afterwards abrogated by Pope Leo X., and Gavin Douglas, uncle of the Earl of Angus, was appointed, whose arrival to take possession of the see caused the servants of Stuart to fly to arms, and seize upon the palace and the tower of the cathedral, whence they discharged a volley of shot against the house of the dean, to which Douglas had retired to receive the homage of the clergy. On the following day, the city was filled with the armed adherents of both parties, and a dreadful scene of violence ensued; but at length, Stuart, finding it impossible to relieve his men in the palace, was compelled to abandon it, and, having no hope of retaining the prelacy, he retired on condition of being allowed to hold that portion of the bishop's rents which he had already received, and also the churches of Alyth and Cargill, on payment annually of a trifling acknowledgment. From this time the see remained undisturbed till the Reformation. The church erected by Kenneth Mc Alpine in 845 continued to be the cathedral till 1318, when the choir of a more spacious and elegant structure was completed by Bishop Sinclair, and appropriated to that purpose; in 1406 a nave was added to the building by Bishop Cardney, and the remainder of the church was completed in 1464 by Bishop Lauder, who also erected the lofty tower of the cathedral, and built the chapterhouse, in 1469. The episcopal palace, to the south-west of the cathedral church, was formerly defended by a castle, erected in 1408, but of which at present nothing remains except the site, still called the Castle Close; and in 1508, a wing was added to the palace, and a handsome chapel built immediately adjoining it. The bishops had palaces also at Cluny, Perth, and Edinburgh, with ample revenues; and at the time of the Reformation, the church of Dunkeld was valued at £1600 per annum. In 1560, a commission was issued by the Lords of Congregation for purifying the church, by removing the altars, images, and other idolatrous ornaments, and burning them in the churchyard; and in their zeal to fulfil this commission, the mob destroyed the whole of the interior of that beautiful and venerable structure of which the ruins display the stately magnificence, and left nothing entire but the walls. These, too, were subsequently stripped of their roof, and have since remained in a state of dreary ruin, with the exception only of the choir, which in 1600 was roofed with slate at the expense of the family of Stuart, of Ladywell, and has been appropriated as the parish church. By acts of the General Assembly in 1586 and 1593, the city was made the seat of a presbytery; but there is still a bishop of Dunkeld, though unconnected with the Church of Scotland, who presides over the episcopal churches of Dunkeld, Dunblane, and Fife.
After the battle of Killiecrankie in 1689, the Highland troops of Viscount Dundee, who had been killed in that conflict, advanced to the city, then garrisoned by the newly-raised Cameronian regiment; and after a severe struggle, the Highlanders obtained possession of many of the houses, from which they made frequent discharges of musketry upon the Cameronian soldiers, who, in order to dislodge them, set fire to the buildings where they had sought shelter. The whole of the town, with the exception of the cathedral and three houses, was totally burnt; and the inhabitants were compelled to take refuge in the church. In 1703, the Marquess of Atholl was elevated to the rank of duke by Queen Anne, who is said to have subsequently paid a visit to that nobleman, first at Blair-Atholl, and then at Dunkeld House, to confer with him on matters connected with the union of the two kingdoms; and in corroboration of the event a state room in the castle at the former place is still called Queen Anne's bedchamber. On the breaking out of the rebellion in 1745, the Marquess of Tullibardine, accompanied by the Pretender, whose cause he had embraced, took temporary possession of Blair Castle in the absence of his younger brother, the Duke of Atholl, and sent the lords Nairn and Lochiel to proclaim the prince at the market-cross of Dunkeld. Early in the following year, the Duke of Cumberland stationed part of his forces at Blair-Atholl and in the city, which posts, after his departure, were occupied by bodies of Hessian troops, between whom and the Atholl Highlanders frequent skirmishes took place in the neighbourhood. In September, 1842, Her Majesty the Queen, while visiting her Scottish dominions, made an excursion to Dunkeld House, attended by Prince Albert, and was met on the boundary of the estate by a numerous guard of the Atholl Highlanders, who escorted the royal visiters to the park. Here Lord Glenlyon, the heir of the family, at the head of his Highland regiment, received the Queen, and then conducted her to the tent which had been erected for her reception on the lawn to the north-west of the cathedral, a spot commanding a splendid view of the wildly romantic and beautifully picturesque scenery for which the place is so highly celebrated. Her Majesty reviewed the regiment, and passing along the line formed by the various local societies that had been assembled in the park, retired into the tent, where a sumptuous collation was served, after which the officers of the Atholl clan were severally introduced to the Queen, and had the honour of kissing hands. Having remained for a few hours at Dunkeld, Her Majesty took her departure for Breadalbane, escorted by the Hon. Capt. Murray, who rode by the side of the royal carriage to the boundary of the Atholl estate, a distance of thirteen miles, pointing out by name to the Queen the various objects of interest. In 1844, Her Majesty, on her second visit to Scotland, passed again through Dunkeld.
The town is beautifully situated on the north bank of the river Tay, over which is a noble bridge of five open arches, of which the central arch has a span of ninety feet, and the others of eighty-four and seventyfour each, with two dry arches of twenty-five feet span, the whole erected in 1809, by the late Duke of Atholl, at an expense of £30,000, of which £5000 were granted by government. From the centre of the bridge is a fine view of the city, which consists partly of a spacious street of handsome modern houses, extending from the bridge along the line of the great north road from Perth to Inverness; and a street of more ancient but well-built houses crosses the former at right angles, in the marketplace, from which the old cross was removed about the commencement of the present century. Near the cathedral is the deanery, the only house now remaining of the three saved from the conflagration in 1689. There is a public library, called the Mackintosh library, which originated in a gift to the town by the Rev. Donald Mackintosh, in 1811; it is under the direction of a committee of curators, and the collection at present consists of more than 2000 volumes. The manufacture of linen and the tanning of leather, formerly carried on to a considerable extent, have been discontinued, and the chief trade at present is the making of shoes. Many of the poorer class are employed during the spring and summer months in the peeling of oak, and at other times in agriculture and in the slate-quarries; there are also a distillery, a public brewery, and several malting establishments, and a saw-mill, affording occupation to a moderate number of persons. Since the erection of the bridge a very great increase has taken place in the general traffic of the town and neighbourhood. There are now two spacious hotels with posting establishments, for the reception of visiters whom the beauty of the scenery and the numerous objects of deep interest in the vicinity attract; and several lodging-houses are occupied by families and individuals who during the summer months make this their residence. The post-office has a good delivery; the Inverness mail through Atholl passes daily, a coach to Perth three times in the week, and during the summer there are coaches to Inverness, Dundee, Loch Lomond, and Perth. The market, which is amply supplied with provisions of every kind, is on Saturday; and fairs for cattle and horses, and for hiring farm-servants, are held on February 14th, March 25th, April 5th, June 9th, and the second Tuesday in November. The police is under the management of an officer appointed by the Duke of Atholl as hereditary lord of the barony. A court for the recovery of small debts is held quarterly, under the sheriff; and the county magistrates for the district hold their courts in the Masons' lodge, in which also public meetings are held, and the general business of the town transacted. The old prison was taken down in 1743, and one of the dry arches of the bridge was subsequently inclosed and fitted up for the temporary confinement of offenders.
The parish is situated on the north side of the vale of Atholl, and extends for more than six miles along the bank of the Tay, varying in breadth, and comprising about 12,000 acres, of which 1200 are arable, 300 pasture, 10,000 woodland and plantations, and the remainder covered with water. The surface is strikingly diversified with hills of precipitous elevation and fantastic form, of which the steep acclivities are indented with deep ravines, and which vary in height from 1000 to 2000 feet above the level of the sea, rising abruptly from a narrow tract of shelving low land apparently gained by embankment from the river. These hills were planted with larch-trees by the late Duke of Atholl, and form an extensive forest, nearly fourteen miles in length from Craig-y-barns, opposite the King's Seat, which has an elevation of 1000 feet above the sea, and varying from three to six miles in breadth. On the summit of the hill of Duchray, which rises to a height of 1900 feet, is a lake about half a mile in circumference, abounding with perch; on the hill of Ordie, at an elevation of 700 feet, is another, several miles in circumference, in which are trout of excellent quality; in the barony of Dulcapon is Loch Broom, also containing trout; and at Rotmel are two lakes, in which perch are found. The soil in the lower lands is thin and light, but on the acclivities of the hills richer, and slightly intermixed with clay, producing good crops of oats and barley, with turnips and potatoes. The state of husbandry has been greatly improved, and an agricultural society for the district established; the lands have been drained and inclosed; the farm-buildings and offices are of stone, roofed with slate, and are comfortable and well arranged. The rateable annual value of the parish is £6073. The substratum is principally clay-slate, of which the rocks are composed, and which is remarkable chiefly for the irregularity of its formation. On the eastern base of the hill of Craig-y-barns, a small vein of copper-ore was discovered, but has not been wrought; and in a bank of sand about twenty feet above the level of the river Tay, in the lands of Dowally, some grains of gold were found, of which ornaments were made; but the quantity obtained was so small, in comparison with the expense of extracting it, that all attempts have been abandoned. Pearls of good colour and form, though coarse, are found in the muscles of the Tay, and occasionally some of finer quality and of great value.
Visit Dunkeld.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 12:15 AM 1 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Tour St Monans Church Winter Scotland
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 7:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Tour East Neuk Winter Scotland
Spent a few hours today in the East Neuk. The East Neuk is an area of the coast of Fife, Scotland. This is the part of Scotland in which I was raised; in the fishing village of Cellardyke, south of St Andrews. "Neuk" is the Scots word for nook or corner, and this area of Scotland includes the villages of Earlsferry, Elie, Colinsburgh, St Monans, Pittenweem, Arncroach, Carnbee, Anstruther, Cellardyke, Kilrenny, Crail and Kingsbarns. The weather was not as good as I had expected, but I did take a few East Neuk Winter Photographs and wee videos.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 6:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Tour Earlsferry Winter Scotland
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 5:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Tour Crail Harbour Winter Scotland
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 5:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Haggis Making in Scotland
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Friday, January 18, 2008
Tour Scotland Weather Forecasts
Lots of heavy rain today in Scotland. Below are some links to Scottish Weather.
Scottish Weather Forecast for Central Scotland, Tayside and Fife.
BBC UK Weather for Southern Scotland.
BBC UK Weather for Northern Scotland.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 8:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Tour George Square Edinburgh Scotland
Tour George Square, Edinburgh, Scotland. Sir Walter Scott lived with his family at 25 George Square. His neighbours included the Countess of Sutherland, Lord Braxfield, the Justice-Clerk of the Court, and Henry Dundas, the future Lord Melville. This was to remain home of Sir Walter Scott until his marriage in 1797. Tour Edinburgh, Scotland, on an Ancestry Tour of Scotland. Best Scottish Tours, Best Scottish Food, Best Scottish Hotels, Small Group Tours of Scotland. Rent a Cottage in Scotland. Golf Scotland. Tour Roman Scotland.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 4:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Edinburgh Scotland
Tour Leith Links Scotland
Tour Leith Links, Edinburgh, Scotland. The links are the site of an early five hole golf course built in the 18th century. Tour Edinburgh, Scotland, on an Ancestry Tour of Scotland. Best Scottish Tours, Best Scottish Food, Best Scottish Hotels, Small Group Tours of Scotland. Rent a Cottage in Scotland. Golf Scotland. Tour Roman Scotland.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 3:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Edinburgh Scotland
Tour Lasswade Scotland
Tour Lasswade, Edinburgh, Scotland. Lasswade is a parish and village in Midlothian, Scotland, on the River North Esk nine miles south of Edinburgh city centre between Dalkeith and Loanhead. Melville Castle lies to the north east. Tour Edinburgh, Scotland, on an Ancestry Tour of Scotland. Best Scottish Tours, Best Scottish Food, Best Scottish Hotels, Small Group Tours of Scotland. Rent a Cottage in Scotland. Golf Scotland. Tour Roman Scotland.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 3:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Edinburgh Scotland
Tour Water of Leith Scotland
Tour Water of Leith, Edinburgh, Scotland. The Water of Leith is the main river flowing through Edinburgh, Scotland, to the port of Leith where it flows into the sea via the Firth of Forth. Tour Edinburgh, Scotland, on an Ancestry Tour of Scotland. Best Scottish Tours, Best Scottish Food, Best Scottish Hotels, Small Group Tours of Scotland. Rent a Cottage in Scotland. Golf Scotland. Tour Roman Scotland.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 3:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Tour Warriston Cemetery Scotland
Tour Warriston Cemetery Scotland. Warriston Cemetery was opened in 1843 and is now owned by the City of Edinburgh. Tour Edinburgh, Scotland, on an Ancestry Tour of Scotland. Best Scottish Tours, Best Scottish Food, Best Scottish Hotels, Small Group Tours of Scotland. Rent a Cottage in Scotland. Golf Scotland. Tour Roman Scotland.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 3:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Tour Glenshee Road Winter Scotland
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 10:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Tour Spittal of Glenshee Church Scotland
Spittal of Glenshee Church, Scotland. Glenshee Church has stood at the head of Glenshee in the shadow of Gulabin for over a century. "The name Glenshee comes from the Gaelic word shith which signifies fairies and also means peace. The building as it stands today replaced an old and unseemly edifice. It is said that the new Church was originally to have been built at Runavey but the fairies did not approve of this and when the masons started building they came by night and pulled down what had been built up and this was continued night after night until the committee realised the futility of opposing the wishes of the "little folks" and the church was built on the spot of the previous house of worship." From Tales of a Highland Parish by Rev. T.A. Miller,M.A.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 8:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Tour Scotland Blog Comment
Hey Sandy, can I just congratulate you on a crackin website and blog. Just discovered it. Loads of info. I'd hate to think how much work has gone into it. Shame to say I come from Kirkcaldy so will not really be needing the tour. My mums side come from Wemyss and Buckie they're Elder's. Anyway said my bit. Super site. Peter.
Thanks Peter, Sandy Stevenson.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 12:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Monday, January 14, 2008
Tour Scotland January Dawn
Took the photograph above at 9am in Perthshire, Scotland. Not long after, the rain arrived, and it has been raining all over Scotland for most of the day.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 8:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Tour Glen Quaich Winter Road Scotland
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Tour Loch Freuchie Scotland
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 8:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Tour River Quaich Scotland
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 8:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Friday, January 11, 2008
Tour Glen Doll Scotland
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 10:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Tour Narrow Road To Glen Doll Scotland
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 10:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Tour River South Esk Scotland
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 9:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Salmon Fishing Scotland
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 9:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland Salmon Fishing
Today's Weather In Scotland
Today's Weather In Scotland. BBC Scotland Weather.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 2:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland Weather
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Tour Scotland Public Transportation
" Flora, can you tell the difference a Taxi and Public Transportation ? "
" No, Donald ! "
" We'll take Public Transportation then ! "
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 5:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland Humor
Monday, January 07, 2008
Tour Evelick Scotland
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 11:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Tour Kinrossie Mercat Cross Scotland
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 11:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Stick Around in Scotland
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 6:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland Humor
Robert Burns Quote
“The best plans of men and mice often go awry”
Biography of Robert Burns. Burns Supper. Robert Burns Books. Robert Burns Songs. Free Robert Burns Books. Robert Burns Tours of Scotland.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 6:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Robert Burns
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Tour Scotland in January
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 11:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Conquer The Castle
stv kicks off its 2008 schedule with a brand new reality series filmed in Scotland, Conquer the Castle. The weekly 12-part series, which hits stv screens on Thursday 3 January at 7.30pm, follows six devoted city slickers as they swap their fast-paced metropolitan lives for a crash course in Scottish country living. With no previous experience of country life, the urbanites, a Glaswegian tattoo artist, a fashion show producer, an Essex wild child, a best-selling showbiz author, a hotshot London sales exec and a Birmingham receptionist face a gruelling two week stay at the spectacular Blair Castle and Atholl Estates in the Scottish Highlands. Blair Castle Photographs. Tour Blair Castle.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 6:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Tour Tower Houses of Scotland
Tour Tower Houses of Scotland, on an Ancestry Tour of Scotland. Best Scottish Tours, Best Scottish Food, Best Scottish Hotels, Small Group Tours of Scotland. Rent a Cottage in Scotland. Golf Scotland. Tour Roman Scotland.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 6:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Tour Scotland
Friday, January 04, 2008
Clan Gordon Tours of Scotland
Clan Gordon Tours of Scotland. Gaelic Name: Gôrdan Motto: Bydand (Remaining) Badge: Rock Ivy Lands: Strathbogie, Deeside and Aberdeen Origin of Name: Placename, Berwickshire Pipe Music: The Gordon's March History The name Gordon is territorial and the family who took the name are believed to have been of Anglo-Norman descent, moving from the Borders to Aberdeenshire. The wild boar’s head appears on the Gordon arms because, legend says, the first Gordon saved a Scottish king from an attacking boar.
The monks of St Mary at Kelso were given their land by Richard, Baron of Gordon in 1150 and 1160, the earliest recording of the name in use.
Sir Adam of Gordon was a supporter of Robert the Bruce and travelled to Rome to ask the Pope to reverse Bruce’s excommunication, served after Bruce killed Comyn in a church.
The king gave the Earl of Atholl’s confiscated lands of Strathbogie to Gordon. The castle there became known as Huntly, a reminder of the Gordons’ Berwickshire lands. Sir Alexander Gordon was created Earl of Huntly in 1449.
At this time the king was at enmity with the powerful Douglases.
The Gordons stood on the king’s side, and with their men involved in the south of the country, the Earl of Moray, a relation and ally of the Douglases, took the opportunity to sack the Gordon lands, setting Huntly Castle ablaze. The Gordons returned and quickly destroyed their enemies.
As the Douglases were removed from all their positions of power, the Gordons grew without challenge. Their near-regal status earned their chiefs the still-used nickname "Cock ‘o the North".
During the Reformation, Gordon power was such that they could disregard it and choose to remain Catholic. Nonetheless, they fought with the men of Mary, Queen of Scots, resulting in Huntly dying in battle and his son being beheaded before her.
By the time of Montrose they had become supportive of the Scottish crown. The followers of the 2nd Marquess of Huntly were known as the Gordon Horse, and it is believed that had Huntly’s self-importance not impeded co-operation with the great Montrose, the war for Scottish independence may have had a different ending.
As it was, Huntly was captured in 1647, then beheaded after two years in jail. During the Risings of 1715 and 1745 there were Gordons on both sides. The 2nd Duke of Gordon followed the Jacobites in the ‘15, but the 3rd Duke supported the Hanovarians by the time of the ‘45, while his brother raised two regiments against him at Culloden. The Dukedom became extinct with its line after the 5th Duke, and the present Marquess descends from the Earl of Aboyne, whilst a new Duke of Gordon was created of the Duke of Richmond in 1876.
Septs of Clan: Adam, Adamson, Addie, Adie, Addison, Aiken, Aitchison, Atkin, Atkins, Atkinson, Badenoch, Barrie, Connor, Connon, Craig, Cromb, Crombie, Cullen, Culane, Darg, Darge, Dorward, Duff, Durward, Eadie, Eddie, Edie, Edison, Esslemont, Garden, Gardiner, Gardner, Garioch, Garrick, Garroick, Geddes, Gerrie, Huntley, Huntly, Jessiman, Jopp, Jupp, Laing, Lang, Laurie, Lawrie, Leng, Ling, MacAdam, Mallett, Manteach, Marr, Maver, Meldrum, Mill, Mills, Milles, Miln, Milne, Milner, More, Morrice, Muir, Mylne, Steel, Teal, Tod, Todd, Troup.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 2:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Clan Gordon Tours of Scotland
Clan MacLean Tours of Scotland
Clan MacLean Tours of Scotland. The name MacLean is derived from the Gaelic "mac gille Eoin" - son of the servant of John. The spelling "MacLaine" is perhaps a better guide to how it should be pronounced.
In its early days, the clan was known as Clan Gillean (which gave rise to the surname Gilzean, more often found in the Lowlands). "Gillean of the Battleaxe" is said to be the founder of the clan and he fought at the Battle of Largs against the Vikings in 1263.
His great-great-grandson settled in Mull and in 1390, Donald, Lord of the Isles gave land to his two brothers-in-law, thus starting the two main branches of the clan - MacLean of Duart and MacLaine of Lochbuie (both on the island of Mull where the name is still frequently found).
The clan extended its influence to other Hebridean islands such as Tiree and Islay and onto the mainland. "Red Hector of the Battles" from Duart fought for the MacDonald Lord of the Isles at the Battle of Harlaw in 1411 and Lachlan of Duart was killed at the Battle of Flodden.
Sir Lachlan Maclean was made a Baronet of Nova Scotia in 1631 and he brought his clan to support the Marquis of Montrose campaign on behalf of King Charles I. The clan was often in conflict with the Campbells and in 1679 the Campbells gained possession of Duart when the MacLeans fell into debt.
The MacLeans rose in support of the Jacobite Uprising in both 1715 and 1745 - the clan chief was killed at the Battle of Culloden. Castle Duart, the traditional home of the MacLeans, fell into ruins but was restored early in the 20th century by Sir Fitzroy Donald MacLean and is once again the seat of the clan chief.
Septs of Clan: Beaton, Black, Gillan, Lean, MacCormick, MacFadyn, MacGillivray, Maclaine, McLean, MacLean, MacLean, MacVey, MacVay, Paton, Peden, Ranken, Rankin, Rankine.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 2:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Clan MacLean Tours of Scotland
Clan MacNeil Tours of Scotland
Clan MacNeil Tours of Scotland. The Clan MacNeil claims descent from Niall, a descendent of Aodh O'Neil, King of the North of Ireland at the beginning of the eleventh century. Niall came to the island of Barra in the Outer Hebrides around 1049, and is thought to be the first chief.
'Barra' means the 'isle of St Barr', but it is uncertain whether this is St Fionnbharr, the founder of Cork, or St Barr, great-grandson of Niall of the Nine Hostages.
The ninth chief, Gilleonan, received a charter of Barra and Boisdale from the Lord of the Isles in 1427. His namesake, the 12th chief, was one of the island lords tricked into attending on James V at Portree. Promised safe conduct, they were promptly arrested and imprisoned.
The Macneils were Jacobites, and Black Roderick led his clansmen to fight for James VII at Killiecrankie in 1689. His two sons, Roderick and James, went into exile in France. They returned on their father's death and, for his Jacobite sympathies, Roderick was consigned to a prison ship, the Royal Sovereign. He was later taken to London and was not released until July 1747.
The clan prospered until the time of the twenty-first chief, General Roderick Macneil, who was forced to sell Barra in 1838. The general had no children, and the chiefship passed to a cousin, whose line had emigrated to America at the beginning of the nineteenth century.
Septs of Clan: More than 1000 different spellings of the family name are recognized: Macneil, MacNeil, Macniel, MacNiel, Macneill, MacNeill, Macneal, MacNeal, Macneale, MacNeale, MacNeilage, Macneilage, MacNelly, Macnelly, MacNeally, Macneally, Mcneil, McNeil, Mcniel, McNiel, Mcneill, McNeill, Mcneal, McNeal, Mcneale, McNeale, McNeilage, Mcneilage, McNelly, Mcnelly, McNeally and Mcneally; also: Neil, Neal, Neale, Neill, Niel, O'Neal, O'Neil, O'Niel, Nelson, Neilson and Nielson and variants of these. Other family names recognized as loyal to the proud traditions held by our Chief include: MacGougan, Macgougan, MacGrail, Macgrail, MacGugan, Macgugan, MacGuigan, Macguigan, McGougan, Mcgougan, McGrail, Mcgrail, McGugan, Macgugan, McGuigan, and Mcguigan.
Names associated with the clan: MacNeil Of Barra, Gugan, MacGougan, MacGrail, MacGreal, MacGreil, MacGreill, MacGuckin, MacGugan, MacGuigan, MacGuoga, MacKneale, MacKnilie, MacKnily, MacNail, MacNaill, MacNale, MacNeal, MacNeale, MacNeall, MacNeel, MacNeelie, MacNeil, MacNeill, MacNeille, MacNeillie, MacNeilly, MacNele, MacNelly MacNely MacNeyll MacNial MacNiel MacNielie MacNillie MacNily MacReil MacReill,, MacReull, Magneill, Magreill, Makneill, Maknely, Makneyll, Maknill, Nail, Neal, Neale, Neil, Neill, Neilly, Niall, Niel, MacNeil Of Colonsay.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 2:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Clan MacNeil Tours of Scotland
Clan Sutherland Tours of Scotland
Clan Sutherland Tours of Scotland. The Sutherland clan derive their name from the territory known as Sudrland by the Norsemen who had conquered much of the Scottish mainland north of Inverness. The family are thought to be of Flemish origin, descendants of Freskin, who is also an ancestor of the Murrays of Atholl.
The Earls of Sutherland maintained feuds with many neighbouring clans, in particular Clan McKay. Relations with the Sinclairs of Caithness were also strained, and the 11th Earl of Sutherland and his wife died of poisoning, at the instigation of the Earl of Caithness.
The first Duke of Sutherland was renowned for being a keen reformer and he cleared his tenants ruthlessly from the land to set up new industries on the coast. He was responsible for virtually destroying the old ways of life in Sutherland and was never forgiven by many people for these clearances.
The principal seat of the chiefs of clan Sutherland is the fairy tale castle of Dunrobin, which has been transformed from a traditional Scottish castle into a vast palace in the French chateau style. Now open to the public, it remains in the possession of the Sutherland family.
Septs of Clan: Broom, Cheyne, Chiene, Clyne, Duffus, Federith, Gray, Keith, Mowat, Moray/Murray
Names associated with the clan: Caidh, Cate, Ceiteach, Chaney, Chayne, Cheen, Chein, Cheine, Chene, Cheney, Chesne, Cheyne, Cheyney, Chiene, Chisnie, Chyine, Chyne, Duffus, Eliphant, Federeth, Fedreth, Fedrey, Fetherith, Gray, Grey, Kayt, Keathe, Keht Keith Ket Keth Kethe Keyth Keythe Keytht Kite Meuatt Mohuat Mouat Mouatt Mout Movat, Mowait, Mowaite, Mowat, Mowatt, Mowet, Mowit, Scheyne, Sotherland, Sothyrland, Southerland, Suderland, Sutherlan, Sutherland, Sutherlande, Suthirland, Suthirlande.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 2:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Clan Sutherland Tours of Scotland
Clan MacBean Tours of Scotland
Clan MacBean Tours of Scotland. The Gaelic 'Ban' or Bain means ‘fair’ and with Scottish blood made up with so much Norse and Germanic stock this descriptive term could have been applied to many people. Indeed the name is found associated with several clans in many districts.
There was an early Scottish King called Donald Ban. Through various Gaelic manipulations the three forms of the name have become MacBean, McVean and MacBain.
One area where the MacBeans became well established was eastern Inverness-shire where they settled having come from Lochaber in the suite of the heiress of Clan Chattan. The MacBeans were warriors and have fought with distinction right into this century.
Myles MacBean strongly supported MacKintosh against the Red Comyn, and MacBeans died fighting for MacKintosh at the Battle of Harlaw in 1411.
The MacBeans of Kinchyle became the principal MacBean family and they signed a number of important agreements with Clan Chattan in 1609, 1664 and 1756.
Other important MacBean families were MacBean of Tomatin in Strathdearn, MacBean of Faillie in Strathnairn and the MacBeans of Drummond in the parish of Dores.
At the Battle of Culloden a breach opened in a wall. Filling the breach, Gillies MacBean killed fourteen of the Hanovarian enemy before being killed himself. As history repeats itself, Major-General William MacBean, who attained his rank in 1873 after joining the 93rd Regiment as a private, gained the Victoria Cross for his actions at the main breach of the Begum Bagh at Lucknow in 1858, where he single-handedly killed eleven enemy. The Victoria Cross is the highest medal the British Empire can award.
Major Forbes MacBean earned the D.S.O. for his bravery in 1897 when fighting for the Gordon Highlanders when taking the heights of Dargai.
Septs of Clan: Bean, MacBeath, MacBeth, Macilvain, MacVean.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 2:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Clan MacBean Tours of Scotland
Clan MacLennan Tours of Scotland
Clan MacLennan Tours of Scotland. The name is Gaelic in origin MacGille Finnan meaning 'son of the servant of St Finnan.' Who this person was is unknown as the history of the MacLennans is particularly complex. The name Filan itself is derived from the Celtic Faelchu meaning 'wolf.'
The MacLennans settled around Kintail and say that they are related to the Logans, who also held lands round Easter Ross. The MacLennans, along with the MacRaes, were adamant MacKenzies supporters and may have been custodians of the great castle at Eilean Donan.
Clan MacLennan played little part in either of the Jacobite uprisings although eleven MacLennans are recorded as being taken prisoner after Culloden. After the terrible defeat, the clan system began to fall apart with many Highlanders emigrating to other parts of the world.
There are MacLennan mountains in New Zealand and a MacLennan County in Texas in the United States. The family also developed a great tradition as pipers. MacLennans were town pipers in Inverness in the early 16th century, played at the Battle of Waterloo, and regularly won competitions.
Septs of Clan: Gilfiman, Gillfiman, Gilfillian, Lennan, Lennon, Leonard, Leonerd, Loban, Lobban, Logan, Lyndon, MacAlenon, MacAlinden, MacAlonan, MacClennen, MacClendon, MacLenden, MacLendon, MacLennan, MacLennon, MacLyndon, McClendon, McLandon, McLendon, McLennan, McLennon, MackLenddon, MackClenden, MackLendin, MackLendon, Meclendon.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 2:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Clan MacLennan Tours of Scotland
Clan MacDougall Tours of Scotland
Clan MacDougall Tours of Scotland. The name Macdougall can be traced back to the powerful and ancient Lordship of the Isles of Western Scotland. One of the most powerful lords was Somerled, whose son, Dougall, held most of Argyll and the islands of Mull, Lismore, Jura, Tiree and Coll amongst others making, Dougall an important figure during the 12th century.
His son Duncan and grandson, Ewan, defended their vast territories through the construction of various castles including Dunstaffnage, Dunollie and Duntrune on the mainland and their islands, Aros, Cairnburgh, Dunchonnel and Coeffin.
In 1263 King Haakon of Norway planned an invasion of the west of Scotland. Ewan Macdougall was asked to join the invasion fleet but decided against it. In 1294 John Macdougall, the Lame, led the clan into battle against the Campbells. The Macdougalls however, were cut off on the path of Lorn between Loch Avich and Scammadale by the Campbells who managed to gain a strategic advantage over the Macdougalls.
The clan was led into further disputes upon the marriage of Alexander Macdougall to a sister of John Comwyn, the Lord of Badenoch. John's son, known as the Red Comwyn, was killed by Robert the Bruce at Greyfriars Church in Dumfries in May 1306. The Macdougalls had challenged the power of the Bruce but this was soon to change as his power base grew. Bruce had his revenge two years later when he led three thousand men against the Macdougalls. John of Lorne attempted to ambush them but was arrested in 1318 and incarcerated for his opposition to Bruce.
The Macdougalls fought for the Stuarts at the Battle of Sheriffmuir in 1715 under the 22nd chief, Ian Ciar. The chief fled Scotland but returned, living in secret until 1727 when he was pardoned. His son Alexander was responsible for the construction of a modern house behind Dunollie Castle which was extended by Vice Admiral Sir John Macdougall of Macdougall.
Septs of Clan: Conacher, Cowan, MacConacher, MacCoull, MacCowan, MacDulothe, MacHowell, MacLintock, MacLucas and Macoull.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 2:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Clan MacDougall Tours of Scotland
Clan Lamont Tours of Scotland
Clan Lamont Tours of Scotland. This clan descends from the original Scots who crossed the sea from Ireland, where their original name meant ‘lawgiver’, to found the kingdom of Dalriada. The kindred of Comgall is mentioned as one of the three principal kindreds in the ancient 'Account Of The Men Of Scotland'. Its territory, Cowal, still known by that name although once stretching to Bute and Arran, had in 1200 a chief called Fearchar.
His sons Duncan and Malcolm granted lands to the monks of Paisley.
The name Lamont was formed from that of Malcolm’s son Ladman . Duncan and Malcolm established their chief seats at the strong Castles of Toward and Ascog.
The powerful Campbells, neighbours of the Lamonts, had steadily encroached on the Lordship of Cowal and after Montrose’s great victory at Inverlochy in 1645, the Lamonts seized the opportunity and laid waste to Campbell territory at Kilmun.
The next year a powerful Campbell army invaded, taking Toward and Ascog. After being promised fair terms for himself and his people, Sir James Lamont surrendered. However, the dishonourable Campbells then slaughtered over two hundred Lamont men, women and children.
One tree was said to have carried thirty five bodies from its branches. Elsewhere thirty six men were buried alive. The two castles were decimated and Sir James was thrown into a dungeon for five years.
A precious national heirloom which has survived from 1464 till today is the Lamont Harp. It is the oldest existing example of Scotland’s earliest musical instrument. It measures thirty-eight inches by sixteen inches and resides with the Robertsons of Lude in Perthshire.
The last clan lands were sold in 1893 and the present clan chief lives in Australia. 'chese' which meant 'to choose', and 'holm' which is a Saxon word that meant 'meadow'.
The kingdom of Gododdin was taken by the Northumbrian English in the 7th century and then taken in turn by the Normans three hundred years later. The early Chisholms came across the North Sea and the lands they claimed in Roxburghshire became a feudal barony.
Septs of Clan: Black, Brown, Bourdon, Burdon, Lamb, Lambie, Lammie, Lamondson, Landers, Lemond, Limond, Limont, Lucas, Luke, Lyon, Macalduie, MacClymont, MacGilledow, MacGillegowie, Macilzegowie, Macilwhom, MacLamond, MacLucas, MacLymont, MacPatrick, MacPhorich, MacSorley, Meikleham, Munn, Patrick, Sorley, Toward, Towart, Turner, White.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 2:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Clan Lamont Tours of Scotland
Clan Gunn Tours of Scotland
Clan Gunn Tours of Scotland. The Norse word gunnr means war. Living between Caithness and Sutherland, the Gunns were descended from the Norsemen, some think possibly from Olaf the Black himself, and their name foretold their destiny.
The ferocious Gunns were continually at enmity with neighbouring clans, especially the Keiths. Gunn lands were constantly being encroached upon from the North, South and West.
Helen, only daughter of Lachlan Gunn of Braemor, was celebrated for her great beauty and was due to marry her cousin Alexander. Dugald Keith, a retainer of Keith of Ackergill, had tried to woo her, been rejected, and responded jealously. On her wedding day, he paid a surprise visit to her father’s house, surrounding it with armed members of his own family, who then began slaying the unsuspecting Gunns.
Keith took Helen and imprisoned her in Ackergill. Eventually, to escape his sexual abuse, she went to the top of the tower and jumped to her death. The feud that ensued was very long and bloody, with continuing attacks upon each clan. One costly but indecisive battle was at Harpsdale, near Thurso, in 1426.
Eventually, in 1464, the war-weary chiefs of the two clans agreed to meet at the Chapel of St Tears to lay their grievances to rest. The chief of the Gunns was George. He held the important office of crowner, and wore the magnificent brooch of the post. He arrived at the chapel on horseback with eleven other riders, as agreed.
The Keiths arrived on twelve horses also, but with two men to a horse, and slaughtered the Gunns. The brooch of the crowner was taken from dead Gunn’s body. A century later, William MacKames, George’s grandson, avenged his kinsmen with the life of George Keith of Akergill, his son and twelve others in a bloodbath at Drummoy in Sutherland.
In other times the clan found themselves in conflict with the MacKays and the Earls of Caithness and Sutherland. In 1585, although outnumbered, they successfully held off a joint attack by the Earls, taking 140 enemy lives before darkness stemmed the slaughter.
The clan took a heavy defeat at Lochbroom from Sutherland but it was the Highland clearances by the Gordons which finally moved the Gunns off their long-held lands.
Septs of Clan: Gallie, Gaunson, Georgeson, Henderson, Jameson, Jamieson, Johnson, Kean, Keens, MacComas, MacCorkill, MacCorkle, MacIan, MacKames, MacKeamish, MacKean, MacRob, MacWilliam, Mann, Manson, Nelson, Robison, Robinson, Robson, Sandison, Swanson, Williamson, Wilson.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 1:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Clan Gunn Tours of Scotland
Clan MacInnes Tours of Scotland
Clan MacInnes Tours of Scotland. The name MacInnes has Celtic origins and comes form the Gaelic 'Macaonghuis' which translates as 'son of Angus'. The earliest reference to these 'sons of Angus' are to be found in 'Senchus Fer n'Alban' ('History of the Men of Scotland') which was a 7th century chronicle.
The MacInneses were to be found around Morvern and held Kinlochaline Castle in 1645. It is famous as a romantic and picturesque ruin with high walls and battlements that are protected by steep rocky drops. They held the castle but did not possess it and were dependant upon the Campbells for their fortunes.
The MacInneses eventually sought their fortunes abroad and General John MacInnes served as an officer for the East India Company. He eventually decided to return to his native Britain, settling in London.
The influence of the MacInneses was felt in Canada when Donald MacInnes travelled there to establish his fortunes as a merchant. His popularity grew and he eventually served the state as a Senator. .
The MacInneses were part of the mass migration throughout the later half of Scottish history which has left the clan scattered throughout the world; the name MacInnes can particularly be found in New Zealand and Canada.
Septs of Clan: Angus, Canch, Cansh, Caunce, Hance, MacAngus, MacAinish, MacAinsh, MacAneiss, MacAninch, MacAninsh, MacAnish, MacAnsh, MacAonghais, MacAonghuis, MacCainsh, MacCance, MacCanchie, MacCanish, MacCans, MacCansh, MacEnys, MacGinnes, MacGinnis, MacGuenis, Machans, MacHinch, MacInch, MacInish, MacInnes, MacInnis, MacInnisch, MacInnish, MacKance, MacKants, MacKinnes, MacKinness, MacKinnis, MacKinnish, MacKynes, MacQuinnes, Magennis, McAinish, McAneiss, McAngus ,McAninch, McAnish, McAnsh, McCainsh, McCance, McCanchie, McCanish, McCans, McCansh, McEnys McGinnes, McGinnis, McGuenis, McHinch, McInish, McInnes, McInnisch, McInnish, McInnis, McInsh, McKants McKance, McKinnes, McKinness, McKinnis, McKinniss, McKinnish, McKynes, Kinnes, Kinnis, Kynnes.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 1:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Clan MacInnes Tours of Scotland
Clan Graham Tours of Scotland
Clan Graham Tours of Scotland. There is a legend that says the Antonine Wall was broken by Greme, a great Caledonian chief, as he drove the Roman legions out of his country. This, unfortunately, might never be proven. From the records available, the first Graham known in Scotland was Sir William de Graham, a knight who accompanied David I, England’s premier baron, on his journey north to claim the Scottish crown.
In 1128 he witnessed the foundation charter of the Abbey of Holyrood. Sir William’s name can be traced back to the English manor of Grey Home, which is recorded in William the Conqueror’s Doomsday Book.
The first Earl of Montrose was created in 1504 of William, 3rd Lord Graham, who died fighting at Flodden in 1513.
But it was the 5th Earl and first Marquis, James Graham, who made the name legendary across Europe as one of the greatest generals ever. In 1644 and 1645, with the smallest of forces, he managed to effectively stop the terror of the Calvinists and Campbells. Pushing over the border, however, his tiny army was taken by surprise on the 13th September 1645. Although he escaped, his men and their families, who accompanied in those days, surrendered and were rounded up. At first General David Lesley was prepared to spare their lives, but the Calvinists persuaded him to slaughter every man, woman and child.
In Europe, Montrose was made a mareschal by the Germans, and a similar honour by the French, but he returned to Orkney in 1650 to recover Scotland for Charles II. He was betrayed and executed in Edinburgh like a criminal, with every possible degradation. His body parts were displayed in cities across the kingdom for ten years, till Charles II was restored and arranged for him Scotland’s greatest ever State funeral.
As well as a fighter, he was a poet and scholar, and on the eve of his death he wrote:-
Let them bestow on every airt a limb,
Then open all my veins that I may swim
To Thee, my Maker, in that crimson lake;
Then place my parboiled head on a stake,
Scatter my ashes, strew them in the air.-
Lord! Since Thou knowest where all these atoms are,
I’m hopeful Thou’lt recover once my dust,
And confident Thou’ll raise me with the just.
A later thorn in the side of the Calvinists was John Graham of Claverhouse, Bonnie Dundee to his friends, Bloody Claverhouse to his enemies. He died fighting in the pass of Killiecrankie in 1689 for the last Stewart King.
In 1782, James Graham, 3rd Duke of Montrose, persuaded Parliament to remove the law forbidding Scots to wear their tartan.
Septs of Clan: Airth , Allardice, Allardyce, Bonar, Bonnar, Bontein, Bontine, Buntain, Bunten, Buntine, Bunting, Graeme, Grahame, Grahym, Grim, Grymn, Hadden, Haldane, Macgibbon, Macgilvernock, Macgrime, Maharg, Menteith, Monteith, Pitcairn, Pye, Pyott.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 1:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Clan Graham Tours of Scotland
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Clan MacIntyre Tours of Scotland
Clan MacIntyre Tours of Scotland. The Gaelic for Macintyre is 'Mac-an-T'saoir' which means 'son of the carpenter'. The origin of the name comes from a traditional story of the clan. It is thought that the clan can be traced back as early as the time of Somerled during the 12th century, A line descending from Macarill settled on the mainland on lands of Glen Noe which are by Ben Cruachan on Loch Etiveside.
Towards the end of the 13th century the Macintyres established themselves as foresters to the Lords of Lorn. Many of the family records were lost over time so the chiefs of the Macintyres are difficult to list in succession, but the first record of a chief is Duncan, who married a daughter of Campbell of Barcaldine. He died in 1695.
The Earl of Argyll led the Covenanters in the Scottish Parliament. The earl's lands were pillaged but Alistair Macdonald, who led the royalist forces, chose not to attack the Macintyres at Glen Noe because they were related.
James, who is recorded as the 3rd chief, was born c.1727. He studied law and was approved as a good scholar and poet. He returned to Glen Bow upon the death of his father. A monument to the poet, which was erected in 1859, still stands near Loch Awe.
The Macintyres spread throughout many areas in Scotland and established their fortunes in various capacitates. A branch of the Macintyres served as hereditary pipers for the Macdonalds of Clanranald while the Macintyres of Rannoch served as pipers for the Mackenzie's.
Septs of Clan: Tyre, MacTear, Wright, McEntire.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 11:14 PM 1 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Clan MacIntyre Tours of Scotland
Clan MacAulay Tours of Scotland
Clan MacAulay Tours of Scotland. The name MacAulay grew from two unconnected areas. One came from Dunbartonshire and were the MacAulays of Ardincaple. The other was the MacAulays of Lewis. The MacAulays of Ardincaple may have came to be through Amhlaidh, who was the son of Alwin, Earl of Lennox in the early thirteenth century.
The name Aulay MacAulay, or Amhlaidh Mac Amhlaidh appears in the Ragman Roll which was written in 1296. When the Roll of the Landlords and Bailies in the Highlands and Isles was compiled in 1587 Sir Aulay MacAulay appears here as one of the principal vassals of the Earl of Lennox. There are, however, historians who believe that despite the MacAulays' long association with the Earls of Lennox, the name actually originated as one of the branches of the Siol Alpin.
This would tie the inception of the MacAulays to the same family from which came the MacGregors. Whether or not they were related the two families had many ties down through their histories.
In 1591 a bond of manrent was agreed between MacGregor of Glen Strae and the Laird of Ardincaple. This involved MacAulay’s recognition of MacGregor’s superiority with a payment of cattle to him.
The MacGregors were always involved in feuds and the MacAulays were often called upon to lend support. When eventually the MacGregors were declared outlaws and suffered the terrible consequences that came with this, the MacAulays were spared punishment as their associates thanks to the protection of the Earls of Lennox. This was the early 1600s and by 1767 the fortunes of the family had declined so much that the castle and lands of Ardincaple had to be sold for debt to Campbell of Argyll.
In the Outer Hebrides lived the MacAulays of Lewis. The name here simply meant ‘son of Olaf’, the ancient King, and the earliest written reference to a MacAulay of Lewis was about Donald Camm in 1610. The name meant Donald One-eye and this man was famous for his great strength. Donald’s son died at the Battle of Aldearn in 1645 fighting for Charles I.
Future MacAulays invariably became Calvinist ministers.
Septs of Clan: MacPhedron, MacPheidiran.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 11:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Clan MacAulay Tours of Scotland
Clan Drummond Tours of Scotland
Clan Drummond Tours of Scotland. To the west of Stirling lies the parish of Drymen. This name Drymen is derived from the Gaelic for ridge or high ground - 'dromainn'. To this area, according to legend, came a Hungarian admiral in 1067, escorting Edgar the Aetheling and his two sisters as they fled William the Conqueror. In 1225, a descendant of the admiral known as Malcolm Beg (Little Malcolm) is recorded as being Seneschal (Chamberlain) of the Lennox and taking on the name Malcolm of Drymen.
From then till now the clan chief has been known as An Drumanach Mór, which means The Great Man of Drymen. Also connected to Drymen are the Buchanans and the Highland Mores.
Malcolm of Drymen’s son, Malcolm of Drummond swore fealty to England’s Edward I but nonetheless fought in the Wars of Independence and was twice captured by the English.
The third Malcolm of Drummond is credited with the deployment of caltrops, iron spikes to injure horses, before the Battle of Bannockburn. Their affect on the English cavalry made the victory possible and two caltrops are displayed as part of the Drummond’s armorial bearings. Robert the Bruce rewarded the Drummonds with lands in Perthshire.
The mediaeval Stobhall became the Drummond family’s in 1345 when John Drummond married its heiress Mary de Montfichet. Their daughter Annabella became Queen of Scotland when she married Robert III.
John, 5th Chief of Cargill and Stobhall became the first Lord Drummond in 1487. One year of his life was spent in confinement within Blackness Castle after he assaulted the Lord Lyon, King of Arms.
James IV was infatuated with John's daughter Margaret. In 1502, however she and her two sisters died under mysterious circumstances, possibly through poisoning, and James IV instead went on to marry Margaret Tudor of England.
For their support of the Stewarts through the risings of 1715 and 1745 the property and titles of the Drummonds were twice forfeited. It was not until 1853, through an Act of Parliament, that the title of Earl of Perth and other forfeited titles were restored to George Drummond, who was also in the French peerage as a Baron.
Septs of Clan: Grewar, Gruer, Maccrouther, Macgrewar, Macgrowther, Macgruder, Macgruther, MacRobbie.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 11:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Clan Drummond Tours of Scotland
Clan Urquhart Tours of Scotland
Clan Urquhart Tours of Scotland. The name Urquhart is considered to be of Gaelic origin and has been variously translated as "by a rowan wood" or "fort on a knoll". The Urquhart family derive their name from the district of Urquhart which can be found in the old locality of Cromarty, on the north side of the Great Glen.
Traditionally springing from a seafaring tribe, they are of minor importance in Scottish history but certainly of ancient origin. In fact, the writer Sir Thomas Urquhart compiled his own genealogy and described himself as being 143rd in direct descent from Adam and Eve.
The family history of erudition and learned pursuits is epitomised by Sir Thomas Urquhart, who was a renowned writer of the seventeenth century and considered one of the most eccentric geniuses in Scottish history. He travelled Europe, collecting written works and on his return was taken prisoner by the English. While imprisoned in the Tower of London he published the first book of Rabelais, one of the world's masterpieces of translation.
The chief of the clan Urquhart now resides in America.
Septs of Clan: Orcutt, Urcharde, Urchart, Urghad, Urquart, Urquhart, Urquhat.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 11:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Clan Urquhart Tours of Scotland
Clan Munro Tours of Scotland
Clan Munro Tours of Scotland. The clan Monro or Munro's possessions which are situated on the north side of Cromarty Firth, were generally known in the Highlands by the name of Fearainn Domhnuill or 'Donald's country,' which is a reference to the traditional progenitor of the clan, Donald the son of O'Cean, who lived in the time of Macbeth.
These lands comprised most of the adjoining parishes of Kiltearn and Alness. The first recorded member of the family, Hugh Munro, designated of Foulis, died in 1126. He appears to have been Donald's grandson, O'Cean's son.
The chiefs held public office under the Stewart monarchs, and Sir William Munro was killed in 1505 on the King's business in Wester Ross; his son was the royal lieutenant there, ten years later.
In 1547 the chief Robert, the 14th baron, was slain at the battle of Pinkie with many of his men whilst resisting an English invasion. Dr Alexander Monro of the Fyrish branch refused to abandon his allegiance to the Stewart monarchy, and as a consequence lost his offices as principal of Edinburgh University, minister of the High Kirk of St Giles, and Bishop-elect of Argyll. The clan, however, followed their chief and throughout the period of Jacobite unrest from 1689 to 1746, supported the Government.
Sir Hugh, the 8th baronet, had an only daughter, Mary Seymour Munro, who died on the 12th of January, 1849. When he died on the 2nd of May, 1848, his kinsman, Sir Charles, became the 9th baronet and 27th baron of Foulis.
During the Forty-five the Castle at Foulis was left half in ruins and the chief Harry Munro set about a programme of rebuilding. Nevertheless the Castle fell into neglect once more but when Sir Hector Munro inherited the estate in 1884 he once more made it into a family home. The castle is mentioned in documents from as early as 1491.
Septs of Clan: Dingwall, Foulis, MacCulloch, MacLulich, Vass, Wass.
Posted by Sandy Stevenson at 11:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tour Scotland, Scottish, Cottage Scotland Clan Munro Tours of Scotland